Monday, April 26, 2010

Today's work

Oxalis Triangularis: Love Plant, Purple Shamrock

I love this plant. It has been on our window sill for a long time. It just bloomed, so I made the third collage in the Ode to Mrs. Delany series. This is just a part of it. It's not cropped this closely. I need room to put the name on the piece.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Third Illumination

I h ave begun a third illumination. The second one is about birds. Here it is.

I am not sure what the narrative will be for the third. The text for the first and second come from Genesis - King James version. I have begun with the borders for the third. Below you can see one days work. I essentially put in the structure of the patterns. It is a good thing I am not an architect, because despite planning and measuring things still did not come out even. If I were an architect, there would be a lot of wonky buildings around.

This last image is the sheet that I cut out the pattern for the ovals. These leftover pieces are surely going to be used in another piece. I love them.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Otto Dix at the Neue Gallerie

On Monday, I went to the Neue Gallerie to see the Otto Dix exhibition. It is well worth seeing. There is a set of prints on the horrors of war that rival Goya. And, the painting in watercolor and guaoche were new to me. I will surely go back. It is up until August 30th.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ode to Mrs. Delany #2

I picked some weeds on the way to the studio from a gallery closing reception. They had clusters of small white flowers. I have identified them as Shepherds Purse: Capsella Bursa-pastoris - from a website. These are details. I cut off the black space around the flowers. They are really small flowers. I tried to make them life size.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ode to Mrs. Delany

I finished this first ode to Mrs. Delany flower. It is a violet. The common blue violet. It is considered a weed. But, it is a beautiful little flower. I got this specimen from my friend Joy's backyard. It was a lot of fun to make - felt like magic.

Monday, April 12, 2010

lucky find and daily work

Look at the book I found in the laundry room yesterday! Can you believe it? I couldn't.

I have been thinking of doing some work in homage to Mrs. Delany. My friend Joy, gave me some violets today. Here they are in a little milk pitcher and a leaf collage that I began ala Mrs. Delany.

Also, I worked on a new illumination. Little Betty Jane is facing a big eagle. This is the beginning of the inset.