Friday, August 28, 2009

Really Weird Thing

I'm working in the studio today - this morning - I am home now writing this while I should be preparing my classes (which start next week - yike!). Anyway, I'm working away and I suddenly think - this is a really weird thing I am making. What is it? Is it a collage, an assemblage, appropriated nonsense? I really don't know. Somehow I don't stop making it - I go along. Here is the piece that inspired such thinking. It is a collage with a collagraph print of Little Betty Jane on a page from an art history book - an image of the Madonna and Child - Betty Jane is now in the position of the child. Then I put it on corrugated cardboard and starting making these tree and leave forms around it and then I added some praying monks and lastly there are two angles who will be down on the grass- one strumming an instrument, one picking flowers. The monks and angels are not yet completed. The first image is a bit blurry, but you kind of get the idea.

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